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Many braved the rain to witness what could be said to be a one in a life time event. It was the coronation event of King Charles III. It’s as if the rain poured to cleanse and bless the occasion. Some believe it was a blessing from God. A sort of baptism. An approval from the most high.

Yes, it could have ben nice to have the sun out and maybe not have the soldiers dripping wet from the rain. Probably it will have allowed better photo opportunities as more dignitaries and royals would not have been in a hurry to get into the dryness of WestMinister Abbey. 

Not matter what one thinks, it was pomp and pageantry at its best. One that would have made most dictators green with envy. Yes, they probably could stage a big display of military might but it probably will not have the participation of so many other countries as did the King’s coronation which saw the participation of commonwealth nations. 

It was one , if not the biggest military procession of modern times. We would probably have to travel back in time to the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II to see something at best comparable. More than 300 million is suspected to have tuned in to view the coronation.  According to the anti-monarchy campaign group Republic, between 7.7 billion and 7.8 billion people out of the world's some 8 billion people will not be watching the coronation, globally. However, it is believed many outside the UK will tune in, no matter what their feelings are towards the monarchy. For many, it’s an historic occasion. Many travelled from Asia, Africa and the Americas to witness history being made before their eyes. 

So, yes, some especially the younger generation do not connect with the monarchy but one cannot but accept the importance the institution. Tourism is one of UK’s biggest earners. So many cameras will have been clicking in a frenzy as the procession went past trying to catch a picture of the King , Queen and other members of the Royal family and indeed the dignitaries in attendance. It was amazing from beginning to end and just thinking about the amount of preparation that went into the planning must make one commend the efforts of all those that have been invested in the effort to make the day hitch free and successful. Kudos to the men and women that planned this momentous for a job well done.

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